SignatureResponse seeks to balance customer interaction with lead conversion and client insight and use state-of-the-art technology to continually strive for higher book, attend and purchase rates for your business. Our world-class response center prides itself on building lasting relationships rather than simply taking orders. Our longer handle times mean more insight with your guests, less robotic interactions and a higher NPS, meaning that your customers are more likely to not only book and attend but also purchase your products or services.

Our response center’s skill set is in rebuttals and soft-skill sales. Rather than having a set number of rebuttals or a strict script for each guest, our call center representatives play each conversation by ear, which speaks to our insight for both guests and clients. Our representatives know how to ask the next question and the right question, an essential skill in the response center world. We overcome objections and hurdles to create an informative conversation to sell your product or service.

At SignatureResponse, we also know the importance of lead attribution and pre-qualifying. We ask our clients which insurance types they take and screen out any guests that do not have the correct insurance. We also ensure that our information seamlessly fits within your interface. We also attribute your leads by directly asking your customers where they heard about your product or service, whether from TV or radio or social media, tracking your leads throughout the entire process to conversion. This lead attribution allows our clients to determine ROI for their entire marketing budgets.

We look forward to helping our clients build better relationships with customers that will, in turn, lead to increased book, attend and conversion rates, pushing you to reach your ultimate performance and revenue goals!